La visión de un soñador pensando en el Chile que quiere, fotos de sus hermosos lugares y pensamientos varios.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Mulla Nasrudin

Las aventuras del Mulla Nasrudin

Cuando era niño mi abuelo me contaba las historias del Mulla Nasrudin, historias entretenidas que al final dejaban una enseñanza. Un par de años luego de la muerte de mi abuelo me encontraba conversando con Adela, mi abuela, acerca de las historias de Nasrudin y ella alegremente me muestra el libro: The exploits of the incomparable Mulla Nasrudin. En este libro de Idries Shah están todas las historias que me contaba el tata, pero en inglés.

Acá va una que se llama all you need.

“I`ll have you hanged,” said a cruel and ignorant king, who had heard of Nasrudin`s powers, “if you don’t prove that you are a mystic.”

“I see strange things,” said Nasrudin at once; “a golden bird in the sky, demons under the earth.”

“How can you see through solid objects? How can you see far into the sky?”

“Fear is al you need.”



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm impressed it’s a long way to Thunderbird, good luck to you and your wife, don't forget environmental issues!, especially considering the company that your scholar shipped by.

PS: Beautiful story, don't forget those either.

12/03/2007 3:42 PM

Blogger Javier said...


I have a book with a lot of stories as beatiful as this.

I will not forget neither environmental issues nor the place I come from. I am just going to learn and develop some skills to play in a global league.

12/13/2007 9:52 AM


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